JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -Who would have thought the kid can be a puppeteer puppet. This is evident from the inauguration of Union Perdalangan Indonesia (Perpadi) province of DKI Jakarta in the venues of Central Java, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The mastermind and mastermind teenage child exhibited an alleged ability brought puppets of Java for six hours in turns.
"There are 20 mastermind. Mastermind child 18, the age under 14 years. Mastermind teens there were 2. That made mastermind teens ages 15-24 years, "said Publicist Perpadi Jakarta, Toto Sumarwoto, Sun (6/3/2011).
He spoke of the child and the adolescent's mastermind is always performed in various events at Jakarta, Solo, even outside of Java. In Jakarta, they performed at TMII and Puppet Museum. "In spite of young age, but they're professionals," he said proudly.
Toto is one of the teachers training pendalangan in the Castle children, TMII. Most of the puppeteer who performed that indeed is the ordinary student learning in children. They are generally grouped in Pepadi East Jakarta.
Participants most small, according to the band, is a new age of Dyas 4 years. In 2010, he broke the record as the mastermind of the smallest Muri. "The mastermind of this child-puppeteer all born in Jakarta and in Jakarta. Even his family did not bleed, "said Toto.
He added the puppet also became a tourist attraction and as a means of promotion of tourism. "Therefore, we have the program language of the United Kingdom. We teach the children mendalang to use the language of United Kingdom, "he added.
The child and adolescents this puppeteer has already several times performed in the United Kingdom on several occasions. According to Toto, the puppeteer is always watched the foreign tourists up to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. "This is for regeneration. We're not afraid anymore puppeteer will run out, because it is still there, continue to be sustainable, "says the band.
Some spectators who attended it deliberately special came to watch the action of the junior storyteller. As a mother who came with his family, he deliberately away from Depok as Klezmer wants to watch wayang kulit.
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