Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wait For The Progress Of The "Pattingalloang" Young ...

Wait For The Progress Of The "Pattingalloang" Young ...

SIX a student of mechanical engineering in the construction of Hasanuddin University wrestling robot. Their achievement was unthinkable actually could so Karaeng Pattingalloang, scholars and twin Kingdom of Gowa-Mangkubumi Tallo is down the Earth with his brain, four centuries ago.

Syamsuar, Ridwan, Ricky, Mohammed Rahman, Zulkifli, and Zulfatri has produced a number of robots, such as firefighters, painter, the robot walking, carrying trash, and wheelchairs. Like the never Karaeng Pattingalloang stop down each maze knowledge, six students this spur yourself to be creative with new ideas.

What do these young children at least invite us to forget for a moment of action demo students in Makassar that later led the city has a population of 1.5 million inhabitants were known as the city of tumultuous. In the 18th century, the Netherlands was once labeled the Sulawesi — including Makassar (then a territory of the airport Commerce of the Kingdom of Gowa) — as the island of Disorders or onrust eiland. However, thanks to the brilliance of the brains of the Prime Minister of the Sultanate of Gowa I Mangngadacinna I Ba'le ' Daeng Sultan Mahmud Karaeng Pattingalloang, label it's indelible.

Pattingalloang later bermenantukan Sultan Hasanuddin (Kings of Gowa) already think global, by partnering with merchants from Malacca, Java, Champa, Johor, Minang, Patani, India, China, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.

Nirwan Arsuka in his article in Kompas (1/1/2000) describes, the 17th century is the most crowded airport, Makassar and kosmopolit in Eastern hemisphere archipelago. Historian Suryadi Mappangara menimpalinya by calling Pattingalloang as the astronomer who mastered five languages, including the Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Spain.

Efforts to reverse the "stigma" to "image" is now rampant do children Makassar, including by making use of information technology. The presence of a digital newspaper is www.panyingkul.com, five years ago, into the container of the citizens for presenting and critiquing transformation of the culture of the city and the surrounding area, as well as digging value local wisdom.

It responded well by the writer who faithfully transmit on various sites and issues in South Sulawesi, from Dago, sedimentation in the River Jeneberang, lack of visits at the Museum of the city of Makassar, to silk weavers activity Sengkang, Wajo.

What dilakukaan generation now seems to answer the getirnya sights on heritage sites, including in the area of Gowa Fortress Somba Opu later reap the controversy following the construction of a recreational vehicle.

Legacy site

Traces of the triumph of the Kingdom of Gowa and other forts along the 14 first built to fortify the strength of the maritime Kingdom of Gowa. Now physically Somba Opu and only the Castle Fortress End Point or Fort Rotterdam remain. The rest of the team by neighborhood residents, factory, and shops.

They are trying to frantically past can visit the last resting place of the Kings Tomb Complex at Sultan Hasanuddin in Somba Opu, Gowa, and complex Tomb Kings Tallo in the Capital, the city of Makassar Tallo.

Petilasan is certainly no longer able to tell the courage of the King expelled the invaders. Only the guards and guides who wish can earn money tip of the visitors.

The physical building is indeed always threatened the destruction of civilization. Therefore, a legacy that should be kept not only historic, but also the spirit and values. The Kingdom of Gowa who allied with the Kingdom of Tallo in all pergulatannya is the forerunner of the generation now dwell along the southern peninsula of Sulawesi island.


The House is situated in the territory of the fortress of Somba Opu 150 hectares. Then, in addition to not groomed also reaps controversy over plans to build a recreational vehicle in the East.

The idea of developing the Fort was actually already appeared since the era of the Governor of Sulawesi Ahmad Amiruddin Pabittei in 1995. The Governor of the former Rector of the University of Hasanuddin was concerned to see the ruins of the fortress defense Gowa no longer crowded.

Then, the construction of custom homes, such as in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, expected to attract tourists to the fortress of Somba Opu. However, as time goes by, the care of the House overlooked. When the Custom House of the first, the fact that the fortress was lazy.

Now could be "sold" from a Somba Opu does is just a stones padas stage. Kokohnya wall in the four corners and the Tower (bastion) Scouts destroyed after Kompeni Netherlands established his control over Contract through Agreement Bungaya 1667. Gowa has proven the phrase "Jalesveva Jayamahe (" on the Sea we are Glorious)!

After the triumph of the Kingdom of Gowa swept away the time, it should indeed knew the time young Gowa-Makassar had a history of their own. Certainly in the context of the civilized and dignified. Not by the action of the demo lead anarkistis tarnish the name of the great scholars of Gowa, Karaeng Pattingalloang.

In the context of maritime transport policy, the role of Gowa four centuries actually deserves to be the inspiration for the Central Government. First, without the role of the State, the port of Makassar rival Singapore Port prestige. Now, in the hands of the State, the Prestige was even dimmer.

Whereas, the potential to rival Singapore was open given the location of Makassar strategic: in the shaft of the Asia-Pacific region and the main line cruise the archipelago.

Inspiration from the Contract it should be demonstrated to the Government to optimize maritime transport in the country which has 17,000 islands. (Ashwini Rizal Harahap, Maria S Sinurat, and Nasrullah Nara)

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